Saturday, November 4, 2017

Meet the Streamer: Risen722

Name:  Eldon        


Location: Mississippi

Twitch or Youtube Link-

When did you start streaming? "I actually started streaming when the ps4 first came out in 2013. I played Cod Ghost and warframe."

What made you start wanting to stream?  "Back then I just did it for fun on and off. I wanted to get a little more serious with it after my year tour in Korea so I started buying some equipment. I thought since I like to play games why not try and make it a side hobby while people watched."

What are your favorite games to stream? PC, Console? "Mainly PS4, but I am planning to upgrade my PC next year so I can play steam games like PUBG."

How often do you stream? I was doing it maybe 4 days a week 2 days after work and Friday, Saturday. I’m currently on hiatus due to my wife about to give birth to my second child lol so I've been a bit busy. Plus I’m trying to make my stream space (aka little corner in the living room) more streamer quality.

What do you enjoy outside of streaming? "Cooking food, being in Mississippi by casinos and seafood restaurants, I cant help myself lol. But gotta stay military fit ( which is hard to do with all this good food around)"

Do you see yourself still streaming 10 years from now? "I’ll still be gaming so yes lol."

If you had one piece advice to share with another streamer or to someone thinking about streaming, What would you tell them? "It takes a lot of patience. I would get down a lot because I would only get like 1 lurking viewer the whole stream but it all takes time."

If you had to choose 1 food that you had to eat for the rest of your life, What would you choose and why? "Seafood. I don’t know why I love seafood so much, there is just something about it that makes me crave it. Maybe it's because I’m from Florida lol."

Thank you so much Eldon for your time and this quick interview with you! I hope for nothing more than success and keep going! Please feel free to check out Eldon's Twitch channel here: Risen722

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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Meet the Streamer : Sht4rky


Name:  Artur 

Age: 23 yrs. 

When did you start streaming? "Roughly about a year ago, maybe a little more."

What made you want to start streaming? "I am a very chatty person, I find talking to people while playing games a lot of fun, I love human interaction and I love playing games, So I thought why not start streaming? I have a friend of mine that was streaming but he wasn't doing so well (he doesn't do it anymore) and we sort of just encouraged each other and kept telling each other to stay positive, that kept me going. 

What is your favorite game/s to stream? "I would literally stream anything, I mostly enjoy playing Battlefield1, Overwatch, The Hunter: Call of the wild, Binding of Isaac, and Cities: Skylines as of recently. I stream on PC."

How often do you stream? "I try to stream most of the nights, I work 2-10 shifts in Ireland so London time. Anytime after 11, you will catch me online at least 4 times a week."

What do you enjoy outside of streaming? " I enjoy playing football, playing airsoft, going out with friends and watching movies and of course video games :) ." 

Do you see yourself streaming 10 years from now? "I would hope I do. I am currently loving the amount of support I am getting and I hope it continues on for the next few years, and hopefully entertain people for the next few years!"

If you had one piece advice to share with another streamer or to someone thinking about streaming, What would you tell them? " I would tell them that starting off is always hard, but you need to keep your head up and just power through it. Try to keep chatting, whether its reading dialogues or just describing what is going on in game. Make friends, have connections, supporting other people will quickly show you that they will come back to you and support you back!" 

Last but not least, If you could live anywhere, Where would you live and why? " I have always wanted to live in Canada. I don't know I think it's just because the people are always so nice, the weather is nice, there is very little crime there too, So I think that Canada would be my number 1 choice (South park makes me go to Canada too, to see if people have actualy got square heads :D) 

Artur is a nice guy who has passion for streaming and talking and connecting with others. He stays positive, even things may be down. Good stuff Artur and thank you so much for this quick interview with you!  If you'd like to see him on stream, please show him some support and check him out! 

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